一、 产品简介
F-tone Networks Mini HD-SDI/3G-SDI video digital optical converter adopts international advanced all-digital gigabit optical fiber transmission technology, the HD-SDI/3G-SDI video signal can be transmitted through one fiber with non- distortion, high-quality, long-distance transmission.
4U机架式SDI光端机是一个3Gbps HD-SDI数字视频光纤传输系统,支持新的1080P 3Gbps HD-SDI格式,可以在单模或多模光纤上长距离传输多路符合SMPTE-424M 3Gbps HD-SDI, SMPTE-292M HD-SDI 或 SMPTE-259M SDI串行数字视频信号及DVB-ASI信号。
F-tone Networks HD-SDI/3G-SDI video digital optical converter adopts international advanced all-digital gigabit optical fiber transmission technology, the HD-SDI/3G-SDI video signal can be transmitted through 1 fiber with non- Distortion, high-quality, long-distance transmission.
一、 产品简介
3G SDI光端机 SDIX100 HD-SDI光传输系统是用来解决全新高清晰1080P 60Hz摄像机 3G SDI信号超长距离高速传输设备,通过一根光纤单向传输高质量高清晰度信号 SMPTE-424M 3G HD-SDI, SMPTE-292M HD 和 SMPTE-259M 。
F-tone Networks HD-SDI/3G-SDI video digital optical converter adopts international advanced all-digital gigabit optical fiber transmission technology, the HD-SDI/3G-SDI video signal can be transmitted through 1 fiber with non- Distortion, high-quality, long-distance transmission.
4路安防HD-SDI光端机是一个迷你型的HD-SDI数字视频光纤传输系统,最高支持720P,1080I,1080P(25HZ,30HZ),可以在单模或多模光纤上长距离传输一路符合SMPTE-292M HD-SDI 或 SMPTE-259M SDI串行数字视频信号。
F-tone Networks HD-SDI/3G-SDI video digital optical converter adopts international advanced all-digital gigabit optical fiber transmission technology, the HD-SDI/3G-SDI video signal can be transmitted through 1 fiber with non- Distortion, high-quality, long-distance transmission.
F-tone Networks HD-SDI/3G-SDI video digital optical converter adopts international advanced all-digital gigabit optical fiber transmission technology, the HD-SDI/3G-SDI video signal can be transmitted through 1 fiber with non- Distortion, high-quality, long-distance transmission.
F-tone Networks 2U Chassis can accommodate a combination of up to 16 pieces 1-2 channel video modules and 1-2 channel video+options modules. The chassis employs a 110/220 VAC Switch Mode Power Supply(SMPS) design, which reduces the possibility of a single module failure causing a shutdown or a major failure of other modules within the chassis.