


成都北亿纤通FT系列全数字视频+选件光端机采用国际先进的 SOC 数字信号处理技术,及全数字视频无压缩传输技术,将1-64路视频及多路音频、数据、电话、以太网、开关量等信号在单芯光纤上实时同步、无失真、高质量地传输。


F-tone Networks 4 channels forward contact closure to fiber optical converter is specially designed for long-distance optical fiber transmission, using independent research and development of non-compression digital photoelectric conversion technology,




10/100/1000Base-T to 1000Base-FX Dual Fiber Media Converters

F-tone Networks FT-BB-2211 series 10/100/1000M Gigabit media converter adopts switching technology to fulfill media conversion. It complies with IEEE802.3z and IEEE802.3ab standards, and supports two types of media network connections:





F-tone Networks 8 channels forward contact closure to fiber optical converter is specially designed for long-distance optical fiber transmission, using independent research and development of non-compression digital photoelectric conversion technology,




10/100/1000Base-T to 1000Base-FX Single Fiber Media Converters

F-tone Networks FT-BB-2111S series 10/100/1000M Gigabit media converter adopts switching technology to fulfill media conversion. It complies with IEEE802.3z and IEEE802.3ab standards, and supports two types of media network connections:





F-tone Networks 1 channel forward contact closure to fiber optical converter is specially designed for long-distance optical fiber transmission, using independent research and development of non-compression digital photoelectric conversion technology,

10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX Dual Fiber Media Converters

F-tone Networks FT-BB-1211 series ether-net media converter can inter-convert electrical signals of 10Base-T and 100Base–TX twisted pairs with optical signals of 100Base-FX. It extends the network transmission distance 2km to 120km via fiber optical cable.

Industrial RS232/RS485/RS422 Serial to Fiber Converter

● Industrial standard special isolated main power supply, meets CISPR32/EN55032 CLASSA;
● The product has the function of input anti-reverse connection;
● Achieved the certification of IEC60950,UL60950,EN60950;

10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX Single Fiber Media Converters

F-tone Networks FT-BB-1111S series ether-net media converter can inter-convert electrical signals of 10Base-T and 100Base–TX twisted pairs with optical signals of 100Base-FX. It extends the network transmission distance 20km up to 120km via fiber optical cable.

Commercial RS-232/485/422 Serial to Fiber Converter

● Support RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 ports;
● Support synchronization, point-to-point, point-to-multiple transmission;
● Automatic signal detection rate;


F-tone Networks 2 channels forward contact closure to fiber optical converter is specially designed for long-distance optical fiber transmission, using independent research and development of non-compression digital photoelectric conversion technology,


F-tone Networks 16 channels forward contact closure to fiber optical converter is specially designed for long-distance optical fiber transmission, using independent research and development of non-compression digital photoelectric conversion technology,

2U Media Converter Chassis

It can work stably and adapt broad width of voltage .It can store strong power and can be operated and managed easily. The maintenance of this chassis is also very easy. This option is the very one to meet the requirements of good stability, high capacity, good integration and good quality. 

  1. 全国产化光通信设备
  2. 百兆光纤收发器
  3. 千兆光纤收发器
  4. 万兆光纤收发器
  5. POE光纤收发器
  6. 机架式光纤收发器
  7. PoE供电器全系列
  8. 环网光纤收发器
  9. 微型光纤收发器
  10. 导轨式千兆工业收发器
  11. 导轨式百兆工业收发器
  12. 工业光通信接口转换器
  13. POE光纤交换机
  14. FT-Y工业交换机
  15. IP67 防水交换机
  16. A3P系列光纤交换机
  17. A3系列光纤交换机
  18. A1系列光纤交换机
  19. 安防级工业交换机
  20. 机架式工业以太网交换机
  21. EN50155工业以太网交换机
  1. IEC61850-3工业交换机
  2. 导轨式工业交换机
  3. 导轨POE工业光纤交换机
  4. 网管导轨工业光纤交换机
  5. 网管导轨POE工业交换机
  6. 工业级核心光纤交换机
  7. FTS系列工业交换机
  8. FTH系列光纤交换机
  9. 串口服务器
  10. 4G/5G工业路由器
  11. FT-25系列交换机收发器
  12. PoE交换机
  13. FT-60系列POE产品线
  14. PoE AF供电千兆汇聚交换机
  15. PoE AF供电万兆核心交换机
  16. PoE AF供电百兆接入交换机
  17. AF系列百兆工业级以太网交换机
  18. AF系列千兆工业级以太网交换机
  19. GPON全系列
  20. EPON全系列
  21. 其他光端机产品
  1. XPON全系列
  2. 导轨式ONU
  3. POE ONU
  4. OCH
  5. MDU
  6. FTH系列安防工业EPON
  7. 无线AP/AC
  8. EN50155工业以太网交换机
  9. 总线光纤中继器
  10. 总线隔离中继器
  11. 工业信号光纤中继器
  12. 百兆光纤网卡
  13. 千兆光纤网卡
  14. 万兆光纤网卡
  15. 40G光纤网卡
  16. 100G光纤网卡
  17. 视频光端机
  18. 音频视频光端机
  19. 高清HDMI视频光端机
  20. DVI光端机
  21. 高清VGA视频光端机
  1. 电话光端机/E1 PCM复用
  2. SDI光端机
  3. 串口光端机
  4. 光纤放大器
  5. DP总线转换器
  6. USB光纤延长器
  7. OEO光纤放大中继器
  8. 波分复用器
  9. OSS光选路器
  10. OBP光旁路保护系统
  11. OLP光线路保护设备
  12. 综合传输平台
  13. 网络分流器
  14. 保偏光纤器件
  15. 大功率激光器组件
  16. 波长管理设备
  17. USB光纤延长器
  18. EFP光纤传输机
  19. 其它通信设备
  20. 量子通信
  21. 典型应用
  22. 技术支持 
  1. 光纤光缆讲座专场
  2. 波分复用器讲座专场
  3. 光通信施工讲座专场
  4. 兼容CISCO思科光模块
  5. 兼容HuaWei华为光模块
  6. 兼容HP惠普光模块
  7. 兼容H3C华三光模块
  8. 兼容ZTE中兴光模块
  9. 兼容安奈特Allied Telesis
  10. 兼容Arista光模块
  11. CFP光模块
  12. SFP+光模块
  13. SFP光模块
  14. BIDI SFP
  15. XFP光模块
  16. CWDM SFP
  17. QSFP光模块
  18. GBIC光模块
  19. X2光模块
  20. XENPAK光模块
  21. DWDM SFP
  22. CSFP光模块

028-85255257 sales@f-tone.com
