F-tone NetworksFTH-1516FSCP为16口全千兆以太网全光纤交换机 ,提供14个千兆SFP口(可选1000M SFP光模块或1000M SFP RJ45电模块)接入和2个千兆Combo口(即1000M SFP光口和10/100/1000M自适应RJ45电口互换)上联,支持通用SFP光模块热插拔,可与光纤交换机、光纤收发器及含光纤接口的各类终端器相连。
● 最多支持14个1000M SFP光口(或1000M SFP电口)接入和2个千兆Combo口(1000M SFP光口和10/100/1000M自适应RJ45电口互换)
● 支持通用1000M SFP光模和1000M SFP RJ45电模块热插拔
● 支持每个千兆端口全速率、全双工无阻塞转发
● 可选择支持Web管理和SNMP管理包括:VLAN,STP/RSTP快速生成树, Trunk端口汇聚,IGMP组播,Mirroring端口镜像,端口隔离,广播风暴抑制,环路检测,QinQ等
● 支持4K MAC地址学习表,2Mbit存储转发缓存空间,32G背板带宽,9KByte超大帧转发
● 全光纤端口增强抗干扰能力
● 台式铁壳(可上1U机架)设计,且内置散热风扇,机器散热好,工作稳定
参数 | 规格 |
标准 | IEEE802.3 10Base-T Ethernet,IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX/FX Fast Ethernet,IEEE802.3ab 1000Base-T、IEEE802.3z 1000Base-SX/LX Gigabit Ethernet,IEEE802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol,IEEE802.1w Rapid STP,IEEE802.1s Multiple STP,IEEE802.1q Vlan,IEEE802.1p QoS,IEEE802.3ad Trunk,IEEE802.3X Flow Control |
波长 | SFP光模块:850nm/1310nm/1490nm/1550nm |
传输距离 |
100M SFP光模块 双纤多模:2km(光纤尺寸62.5/125μm和50/125μm) 双纤单模:20/40/60/80/100/120Km 单纤单模:25/40/60/80/100/120Km 1000M SFP光模块 双纤多模:220m(光纤尺寸62.5/125μm)/550m(光纤尺寸50/125μm) 双纤单模:10/20/40/60/80/100/120Km 单纤单模:10/20/40/60/80/100/120Km |
端口 |
14个千兆SFP接口: 1000Mbps,1000M SFP光模块/1000M SFP电模块 2个千兆Combo接口:1 Gbps, 1000M SFP光口&10/100/1000M RJ45 电口 |
MAC地址表 | 4K |
缓存空间 | 2Mbit |
误码率 | <1/1000000000 |
MTBF | 10万小时 |
电源 | AC100-230V |
功耗 | 20W |
工作温度 | -10~60℃ |
储存温度 | -40~80℃ |
湿度 | 5%~90%无凝结 |
尺寸 | 44mm (H)×276mm(W)×190mm (D) /高×宽×深 |
序号 | 型号系列 | 管理 | 总端口 | 电源 |
1 | FTH-1516FSCP | 非网管 | 14口千兆SFP光口+2口千兆Combo口上联(SFP光/ RJ45电) | 内置AC220V |
2 | FTH-1516FSCPM | 网管 | 14口千兆SFP光口+2口千兆Combo口上联(SFP光/ RJ45电) | 内置AC220V |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.